- Compare places you don't know to those you're familiar with and intuitively grasp size and distances.
- Distortions caused by latitude differences are corrected to ensure accurate comparisons.
- Pinch the two maps to overlap them for direct comparisons.
- Works on all iOS devices running iOS 8.1 or later.
Intuitively Grasp
“How Far From A to B?”
See your town on one map…
and compare to unfamiliar places on the other.

When a single map alone isn't enough to get a sense of scale and distance of a place you've never been, you can easily get them with DoubleMap by simply comparing the place to the area you're already familiar with. DoubleMap is a handy tool for planning your trips and understanding things like “Can I walk from the station to my hotel?”.
数字だけだと知らない場所の大きさや距離感を感覚的につかみくい、そんな時に DoubleMapを使えばあなたが既によく知っている場所を「単位」として知らない場所の距離感も直感的に把握できます。「駅からホテルまで歩けるかな?」といった疑問も自宅付近と比べればすぐわかる!
What's The Big Deal? なにがすごいの?
Maps with Same Zoom

Maps on DoubleMap
DoubleMap で表示した地図

The world map we often see and use has shape and scale distortion towards the North/South Poles where areas appear much larger than they actually are. This means comparing places on regular map apps at the same zoom level won't give you accurate comparisons.
DoulbeMap corrects this distortion by transforming map shape and adjusting zoom level relative to the other map, so that you can always compare places with equal scales.
私達が普段目にする世界地図は赤道から遠い地点ほど実際より地形が大きく描かれています。そのため北極・南極付近の地域と赤道付近の地域では地図のズームを同じにしても大きなズレが生じてしまいます。DoubleMap ではこのズレを補正することで常に二つの地図をきちんと同じ縮尺で比べられるようになっています。

Real-time Distortion Correction
